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A TV mounted on a black wall on the left-hand side, and a set of three chimney shape sculptures in brown on the right-hand side of the TV. In the foreground of the right-hand side is another set of three chimney shape stainless steel sculptures set in front of a floor-to-ceiling window.

Five Artists:
Sites Encountered

Five Artists:
Sites Encountered

7 Jun 2019
20 Oct 2019
Location: M+ Pavilion

Five Artists: Sites Encountered brings together an international group of artists whose varied approaches offer ways to rethink ideas of site and place. The exhibition features a wide array of work—including sculptures, installations, and films—by Lara Almarcegui, May Fung, Lee Bul, Ana Mendieta, and Charlotte Posenenske. This all-female line-up, spanning multiple generations and geographies and hailing from different historical moments, offers distinct individual perspectives on the idea of site—from intangible to tangible and imagined to real. Together, the artists’ work provides a thought-provoking dialogue with the site around the soon-to-be-completed M+ building and more generally prompts us to explore our sense of belonging in the world.

In the corner of the room with white walls and concrete floor, various architecture models are displayed on a shelf made of stainless steel and glass shelving, three aeroplane-like models are hung above the shelve.

Five Artists: Sites Encountered, installation view at the M+ Pavilion, 2019. ©M+, Hong Kong

Exhibition Booklet
