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Tromarama’s Animation Lab:
Moving Monuments

Type: Workshop
Language: English
Audience: Children & Families
Location: The Forum
More Info:

HKD 300

This event is suitable for families with children ages 7 or above. Children below age 7 will not be admitted.

Each ticket includes admission for one child and two adults. Families with two children and one adult must purchase two tickets. Every child must be accompanied by an adult.

Tromarama’s Animation Lab:
Moving Monuments

The workshop includes an animation session, no prior experience in video editing is required. In order to participate, participants are required to bring along one object from their home (maximum dimension 8 x 8 x 8 cm) that they associate with the word ‘family’. Please read ‘Event Arrangement’ for details.

The workshop ticket will include same-day access to General Admission exhibitions (excluding Special Exhibition). Please retain a copy of your ticket to facilitate your entry to the galleries. M+ Members enjoy unlimited General Admission access.

From the plush toy that accompanied you as bedtime stories lulled you to sleep to the novelty magnets bought during a family vacation, what personal belongings do you think of when you hear the word ‘family’?

The workshop is developed from Growing Pillars, the M+ Facade commission created by the Indonesian artist collective Tromarama. The artists invite adults and children alike to collaborate and create a short stop-motion animation, as well as share their family memories with a personal object. Drawing inspiration from the artists’ practice, participants can create their own animation using their personal items and printed photos.

Facing Victoria Harbour, M+ Facade is a unique outdoor display of the M+ building and showcases nightly screening of moving image works made by creators around the world. Created by Tromarama, Growing Pillars, the latest commission for M+ Facade, features objects, video clips, and photographs from their personal archives to compose these materials into a lateral filmic movement overlaid by animated objects from their childhood homes, evoking the intimacy of home and the intricacy of memory.

Learn more about the additional sessions of this workshop, Family Day Animation Workshop: Moving Monuments, conducted in Cantonese and English, to be held on Family Day in November and December.

Stop-motion Animation Sample: Stapler and Nail Clippers
Stop-motion Animation Sample: Stapler and Nail Clippers

Courtesy of Tromarama

About the Artist

Tromarama is a Jakarta- and Bandung-based artist collective founded in 2006 by Febie Babyrose, Herbert Hans, and Ruddy Hatumena. The trio met while studying at the Institute Technology of Bandung, and they shortly started to create works that combined video, installation, computer programming, and public participation. Underpinning their artmaking is their interest in the influence of digital media on society’s perception of its surroundings. Channelling language, text, wit, and interaction, Tromarama reflects on the cornerstones of Indonesia’s political and cultural environment and on a form of perceptive engagement in our global hyperreality.

Portrait of Tromarama. From left to right: Febie Babyrose, Herbert Hans, and Ruddy Hatumena. Courtesy of Tromarama

Related Work

Image at top: Family object. Photo: Courtesy of Tromarama
