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Participatory Experience:
Knitting Conversations @M+

Type: Workshop
Language: Cantonese, English, Mandarin
Audience: Everyone
Location: Focus Gallery

Participatory Experience:
Knitting Conversations @M+

The event is free for valid exhibition ticket holders. Please retain a copy of your ticket to facilitate your entry to the gallery. Please see 'Get Tickets' for details.

Participants are invited to bring a map that can be shredded to participate in the public workshop.

For admission details, please refer to the signage on-site or reach out to our Programme Assistants for further assistance.

Currently on view, Movana Chen: Knitting Conversations is a monumental installation by artist Movana Chen reflecting on female labour, personal and shared memories, material transformation, and time. Originally conceived as a participatory work, Knitting Conversations was first exhibited in 2013 where audience members were invited to contribute to the work by bringing along a treasured book to shred into yarn, as the artist and participants knitted and conversed. This August, Movana Chen invites visitors to participate and exchange personal stories under the installation, experiencing a unique connection with others.

Movana Chen (b. 1974) focuses on creating a safe and nurturing situation to foster new and intimate connections. In this drop-in participatory experience, participants will knit together stories of different people with paper yarn made with shredded maps of Hong Kong and Southern China. The artist and M+ Educators will initiate conversations, encouraging participants to talk and share with others on site. In tandem with the act of knitting, enjoy the moment and share your experiences, emotions, and ideas. You are welcome to bring along and contribute maps of Hong Kong and Southern China as materials for this collective work. The product of the programme will become a part of the artist’s new project A Home for All.

Artist Movana Chen will be facilitating the experience at M+ on designated weekends on 10, 11, 17, and 18 August, 14:00–17:30.

Movana Chen. Knitting Conversations (detail), 2013–2019 © Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam

Installation view of Movana Chen: Knitting Conversations, 2024 © Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam, M+, Hong Kong

Portrait of Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam

Movana Chen. Knitting Conversations (detail), 2013–2019 © Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam

Installation view of Movana Chen: Knitting Conversations, 2024 © Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam, M+, Hong Kong

Portrait of Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam

Movana Chen. Knitting Conversations (detail), 2013–2019 © Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam

Installation view of Movana Chen: Knitting Conversations, 2024 © Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam, M+, Hong Kong

Portrait of Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam

Movana Chen. Knitting Conversations (detail), 2013–2019 © Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam

Installation view of Movana Chen: Knitting Conversations, 2024 © Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam, M+, Hong Kong

Portrait of Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam

Related Exhibition

Image at top: Installation view of Movana Chen: Knitting Conversations, 2024. © Movana Chen. Photo: Wilson Lam, M+, Hong Kong
