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Lanzavecchia + Wai’s No Country for Old Men Project Archive Lanzavecchia + Wai 的「老來無家」項目檔案

The Lanzavecchia + Wai’s No Country for Old Men Project Archive comprises 36 design drawings and 1 architectural drawing by Lanzavecchia + Wai, a creative collaboration between Francesca Lanzavecchia (1983) and Hunn Wai (born 1980).

No Country for Old Men is a collection of objects designed to complement and ease the everyday domestic rituals for the elderly. Composed of three different designs – the Together Canes (T-cane, U-cane and I-cane), Assunta Chair and MonoLight Table Lamp, the prototypes for this body of work were produced for the studio’s third presentation at SaloneSatellite in 2012. The project developed from Lanzavecchia’s master thesis “ProAesthetics: The Perception of Disability through its Artifacts” in 2008, in which she designed the first version of the T-cane to assist her grandmother in bringing coffee to her grandfather. The T-cane was also designed in a form to purposely fit with her grandmother’s 19th century furniture so as to make invisible its aiding function for the less abled by letting it look like the rest of one’s living room.

With No Country for Old Men “aids” were designed as a set characterised with a form, colour and function that match the daily needs and habits of the modern-day elderly. While each object and furniture is designed to ease certain disabilities, the form of its function is not highlighted by strategic use of colour, material and placement. This collection presents design work that advocates for design that serves urgent social needs and contributes to society’s well-being, without being overly-utilitarian.

Lanzavecchia + Wai’s No Country for Old Men Project Archive was donated by Lanzavecchia + Wai in 2016.

Arranged by project.


Object Number
Archive Creator
Archival Level
Object Count
37 items
Credit Line
M+, Hong Kong. Gift of Lanzavecchia + Wai, 2016

Drawings, No Country for Old Men, domestic objects

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