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Archival material, Melodramas, Hong Kong 香港文藝片檔案資料

This series comprises approximately 1353 items on melodramas mainly produced in Hong Kong between the 1940s and 1990s.

This series consists of posters, stills, synopses, and other ephemera, showcasing the drama attention of this genre is to depict the human feelings and family relationships. Some of the most classic movies in the series include The Kid (1950) starring Internationally renowned actor, Bruce Lee, Family (1953) adapted from Ba Jin's part of "Torrent Trilogy", Mutual Understanding (1954) which is a major work by director Chun Kim, Parents’ Hearts (1955) featuring Ma Si Tsang as a "smiling warrior" whose humour shines through in the struggles with society and fate, Eternal Love (1955) going beyond the structure of melodrama and having the effect of powerful tradegy, Our Sister Hedy (1957) infused by westernised comic flair, The Great Devotion (1960) adopting real-life stories by Chor Yuen, Father Is Back (1961) portraying the love of a father who has gone astray for his children, Teddy Girls (1969) bringing the accusation from teenagers against the society as a juvenile-delinquency drama. This series is arranged chronologically, according to the dates of release in Hong Kong.
This series is part of the Lambert Yam and Ruby Yang Collection.


Object Number
Archival Level
Related Constituents
Lambert Yam (Archive Creator)
Credit Line
M+, Hong Kong. Gift of Lambert Yam & Ruby Yang, 2018

Archival Context

Lambert Yam and Ruby Yang Collection, CA64 Archival material, Melodramas, Hong Kong, CA64/2