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Thinking Global, Acting Local:
Ecology on Film

Thinking Global, Acting Local:
Ecology on Film


Dates: 14 Apr 2023–23 Jun 2023
Thinking Global, Acting Local: Ecology on Film Trailer
Thinking Global, Acting Local: Ecology on Film Trailer

About the Programme

Through a series of moving image works centred around the theme of ecology, this programme explores the issues of environmental protection and sustainability globally and locally. 'Thinking Global, Acting Local: Ecology on Film' presents five feature films and five short films comprising documentaries, fiction features, experimental films, and artists’ films. In addition, the programme brings audiences an eye-opening insight into the world from a non-human perspective through four selected screenings.

About the Subchapters

The programme covers three themes. ‘Thinking Global: Manufacturing and Consumption’ examines the environmental cost of economic development in today’s globalised world. ‘Acting Local: Ecology from a Hong Kong Perspective’ focuses on the decline of Hong Kong’s fishing and agricultural industries and the hoarding of land by real estate developers. ‘Looking at the World from a Non-human Perspective’ offers a critical take on humanity’s anthropocentric worldview and explores the relationship between humans and nature through the lens of the animal kingdom.
