Street Fighter II:
The Animated Movie
Street Fighter II:
The Animated Movie
Street Fighter II, the game released by Capcom, was a global phenomenon in the 1990s. Naturally, the fighting game franchise has spawned many media products due to its popularity, but few have reached the heights of Street Fight II: The Animated Movie. Directed by Gisaburo Sugii of Night on the Galactic Railroad (1985) fame, the 1994 animated feature film brought iconic characters such as Chun-Li and Ryu to life on the big screen. The story revolves around martial arts experts from different parts of the world banding together to fight M. Bison’s terrorist organisation. The real draw of the film is its impeccably fluid action sequences that will put any modern action film to shame. Most notably, Chun-Li's fight against the claw-wielding Vega is as fluid, intense, and hard-hitting as a live-action kung fu flick. Overall, Street Fight II: The Animated Movie does justice to its source material without sacrificing its own value as a standalone film.
About the Director
Gisaburō Sugii (b. 1940, Japan) is an anime director and Nihonga artist. As a member of the Directors Guild of Japan and the Japanese Animation Creators Association, Sugii’s oeuvre is vast, but is most well-known for his Touch series (1981–1986) as well as Night on the Galactic Railroad, which received several nominations and was awarded the Ofuji Noburo Award at Mainichi Film Concours.
Image at top: (C) CAPCOM CO., LTD. 1994 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.