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An exhibition space with various framed artworks and architectural drawings displayed on the dark-coloured walls. In the middle of the room is a simple wooden bench placed on the wooden floor.

M+ Collection Archives

M+ Collection Archives

Over 63,000
circa 1905–2020
Collection Online


The M+ Collection Archives is a repository of valuable primary documents that lends deeper insights into the creative processes of artists and makers within the M+ Collections. Since its founding, M+ has acquired archives in parallel with objects, placing equal importance on both. The museum’s archival holdings are particularly rich in material from the period of the 1960s to the 1990s and include a wide range of items such as artist sketches, design drawings, photographs, and printed and digitised ephemera by artists, architects, and graphic designers from around the world.

Currently, there are ninety fonds in the archives, each containing up to thousands of items. The preservation of the archives is an ongoing process. Catalogued fonds are accessible online and in the Research Centre.

View of works in a gallery. In the foreground, a table displays photographs and a plan of architectural projects. An architectural model stands in the middle ground. The background shows two hanging sculptures, installed in front of a video.

Exhibition view of In Search of Southeast Asia through the M+ Collections (2018), featuring a model and archival materials from Architects Team 3 as well as an installation by Charles Lim. ©M+, Hong Kong

Collection Archives

*Newly added on 15 Dec 2023

Image at top: Installation view of ‘Things, Spaces, Interactions’. Photo: Dan Leung, M+, Hong Kong

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